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The Dogma of Christ & Other Essays on Religion, Psychology & Culture
Erich Fromm

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time - Karl Polanyi, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Fred L. Block Foreword, by Joseph E. Stiglitz
Introduction, by Fred Block
Note on the 2001 Edition
Author's Acknowledgments

--The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

Notes on Sources:
1. Balance of Power as Policy, Historical Law, Principle, and System
2. Hundred Years' Peace
3. The Snapping of the Golden Thread
4. Swings of the Pendulum after World War I
5. Finance and Peace
6. Selected References to "Societies and Economic Systems"
7. Selected References to "Evolution of the Market Pattern"
8. The Literature of Speenhamland
9. Poor Law and the Organization of Labor
10. Speenhamland and Vienna
11. Why Not Whitbread's Bill?
12. Disraeli's "Two Nations" and the Problem of Colored Races
