List of Maps
Introduction & Notes
Note on the Texts
MapsPart I--The Book of Ahmad ibn Fadlān, 921-922
Part II--The Travels of Abū Hāmid al-Andalusī al-Gharnātī, 1130-1155
Part III: Passages from Other Geographers, Historians and Travellers
--1. Qudāma ibn Ja'far on Alexander in China, 928-932
--2. Ibn Khurradādhbih on Sallām the Interpreter and Alexander's Wall, 844
--3. Ibn Hayyān on the Viking attack on Seville, 844
--4. Zuhrī on Viking ships,
c. 1160
--5. Ibn Khurradādhbih on the routes of the Rādhānīya and the Rūs,
c. 830
--6. Ibn al-Faqīh on the Rādhānīya, 903
--7. Ibn Khurradādhbih on exports from the western Mediterranean, 885
--8. Ibn Rusta on the Khazars, 903-913
--9. Ibn Rusta on the Burtās, 903-913
--10. Ibn Rusta on the Bulkārs, 903-913
--11. Ibn Rusta on the Magyars, 903-913
--12. Ibn Rusta on the Saqāliba, 903-913
--13. Ibn Rusta on the Rūs, 903-913
--14. Mas'ūdī on the Iron Gates, 943
--15. Mas'ūdī on the Khazar capital, 943
--16. Mas'ūdī on the Khazars, 943
--17. Mas'ūdī on the
khāqān of the Khazars, 943
--18. Mas'ūdī on the Bulghārs, 943
--19. Mas'ūdī on the Land of the Midnight Sun, 943
--20. Mas'ūdī on the Saqāliba, 943
--21. Mas'ūdī on the Rūs, 943
--22. Mas'ūdī on a Viking raid on the Caspian,
c. 913
--23. Miskawayh on the Rūs raid on Bardha'a, 943
--24. Istakhrī on the Khazars and their neighbours,
c. 951
--25. Mas'ūdī on the fur trade, 956
--26. Ibrāhīm ibn Ya'qūb on northern Europe, 965
--27. Muqaddasī on exports from Bulghār, 985-990
--28. Muqaddasī on the land of the Khazars, 985-990
--29. Ibn Hawqal on the trade in eunuchs, 988
--30. Ibn Hawqal on the fur trade and the Rūs attack on Itil and Bulghār, 965
--31. Ibn Hawqal on Khwārazm and its trade, 988
--32. Ibn Hawqal on the Rūs destruction of Itil, 965
--33. Bīrūnī on dog sleds, skates and silent barter,
c. 1030
--34. The 'Enclosed Nations' of the far north, 1118
--35. Marwazī on the Rūs,
c. 1130
--36. Marwazī on Bulghār and the far north,
c. 1130
--37. Marwazī on the Saqāliba,
c. 1130
--38. Yāqūt on Hungary, 1228
--39. Qazwīnī on Gog and Magog, 1275
--40. Marco Polo on dog sleds and the Land of Darkness, 1293
--41. Ibn Battūta on travel in the Land of Darkness, 1332
--42. Ibn Battūta on a winter journey to New Sarai, 1332
--43. Ibn Fadl Allāh al-'Umarī on Siberia and Alexander's Tower, 1342-1349
Appendix 1: The Khazars, c. 650-c. 965
Appendix 2: The Rūs
Appendix 3: The Sāmānids
Appendix 4: The fur trade