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Currently reading

The Dogma of Christ & Other Essays on Religion, Psychology & Culture
Erich Fromm

Oppression and Liberty (Routledge Classics)

Oppression and Liberty (Routledge Classics) - Simone Weil --Prospects: Are we heading for the Proletarian Revolution?

--Reflections Concerning Technocracy, National-Socialism, the U.S.S.R. and Certain Other Matters
--On Lenin's book 'Materialism and Empiriocriticism'

--Reflections Concerning the Causes of Liberty and Social Oppression
--Critique of Marxism
--Analysis of Oppression
--Theoretical Picture of a Free Society
--Sketch of Contemporary Social Life

--Fragments, 1933-1938
--Critical Examination of the Ideas of Revolution and Progress
--Meditation on Obedience and Liberty
--On the Contradictions of Marxism

--Fragments, London 1943

--Is There a Marxist Doctrine?