Sponsor's Foreword
Directors' Forewords
Introduction: Edvard Munch: The Modern Eye, by Angela Lampe and Clément Chéroux--
Medium as Muse--Munch, Medium Specificity and Modernity, Nicholas Cullinan
Reworkings--Dislocated Motifs: Munch's Tendency Towards Repetition, Angela Lampe
Notes, Edvard Munch--
Autobiography--'Write your life!': Photography and Autobiography, Clément Chéroux
Optical Space--Depth of Field, Clément Chéroux
On Stage--Munch and Max Reinhardt's Modern Stage, Angela Lampe
--How Munch Came to Reinhardt and to the Deutsches Theater, 1926, Arthur Kahane
Compulsion--'The woman, he must weep', Arne Eggum
--Repetition in the Writings of Edvard Munch, Mai Britt Guleng
Dematerialisation--Radiation: Metabolising the 'new rays', Pascal Rousseau
Notes, Edvard Munch--
Amateur Filmmaker--The Cinema-Art Galleries of Halfdan Nobel Roede, Ingebjørg Ydstie
--Munch the Filmmaker, A Recalcitrant Amateur, François Albera
--Memories of Oslo, 1962 (extracts), Hugo Perls
The Outside World--Munch's Postcards, Sivert Thue
--History, Events and Stories, Lasse Jacobsen
--The Altercation with Ludvig Karsten, Magne Bruteig
--'Recording the waves emitted by society', Gerd Woll
Drawing and Photography--Drawing versus Photography, Clément Chéroux
--Drawn or Snapped?, Paul Westheim
--Response to 'Das Kunstblatt', Edvard Munch
The Averted Eye--'Painting is what the brain perceives through the filter of the eye', Ingebjørg Ydstie
--The Entoptic Vision of Edvard Munch, Philippe Lanthony
--A Modern Eye: Edvard Munch's Self-Portraits after 1908, Iris Müller-Westermann
Chronology, by Aurore Méchain
Select Bibliography
Exhibited Works
Lenders and Credits