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Currently reading

The Dogma of Christ & Other Essays on Religion, Psychology & Culture
Erich Fromm

The Collected Plays

The Collected Plays - Graham Greene --The Living Room
--The Potting Shed
--The Complaisant Lover
--Carving a Statue
--The Return of A. J. Raffles
--The Great Jowett
--Yes and No
--For Whom the Bell Chimes

Astonishments: Selected Poems of Anna Kamienska - paperback edition

Astonishments: Selected Poems of Anna Kamienska - paperback edition - Anna Kamieńska, Grazyna Drabik, David Curzon Introduction, by Grażyna Drabik and David Curzon

--A Path in the Woods

Early Poems

from Goodnight to Mother (1959)
--The Mouths of Streets
--She Gets Up
--I Was Standing
--"Look," Mother Says

from In the Bird's Eye (1960)

from Sources (1962)
--A Hand

from Impermanent Things (1963)
--[The time of harvest and the time of poems is passing]

from Revocation of Myth (1967)

from Exile (1970)
--Anaximander Lands at the Shore of Exile and Founds the City of Sozopolis

The White Manuscript (1970)

--[I was born]
--[Oh Anna Jan]
--[I don't know how a day flew by us]
--[All the photographs come flying]
--[Where do your dreams sleep now]
--[To be the earth]

The Second Happiness of Job et al.

from Herods (1972)
--A Leap

from The Second Happiness of Job (1974)
--The Return of Job
--The Silence of Job
--Job and a Woman
--The Departure of Job
--Late Summer
--Doctor Edith Stein
--The Other World
--Small Things

from The Manuscript Found in a Dream (1978)
--Cassandra at a Loss
--Doctor Korczak's Lie
--The Just
--A Prayer That Will Be Answered
--At the Border of Paradise
--The Moment of Reconciliation
--On a Sonnet by Leah Goldberg
--A Droplet of Blood

from Silences (1979)
--A Hedgehog
--Souls of Animals
--The Lamp
--The Washing of Feet
--Old Age
--Beautiful Hands Seen in a Tram
--Don't Worry
--A Pink Sweater

Late Poems

from In Mid-Word (1983)
--The Death of Simone
--The Empty Places
--In Mid-Word

from Two Darknesses (1984)
--A Talk with Mother
--In a Hospital
--Elijah's Widow
--Things of This World
--Lack of Faith
--Through the Body
--Hurry up
--Those Who Carry
--Into Solitude

from A New Name (1987)
--On the Threshold of the Poem
--A Witness to Process
--Alter Ego
--A City Map
--The Weariness of the Prophet Elijah

from Silences and the Shortest Psalms (1988, posthumous)
--A Prayer

from Two Darknesses and Last Poems (1989, posthumous)
--As When in a Crowd
--Saint Martha
--Three Crosses
--On the Cross

--Extracts from The Notebook (1965-1972) and The Notebook (1973-1979)


Mortals and Others

Mortals and Others - Bertrand Russell, John G. Slater Introduction

Volume I

Preface to Volume I

--On Jealousy
--Sex and Happiness
--Tourists: We Lose Our Charm Away from Home
--The Menace of Old Age
--In Praise of Artificiality
--Who May Use Lipstick?
--The Lessons of Experience
--Hope and Fear
--Are Criminals Worse than Other People?
--The Advantages of Cowardice
--The Decay of Meditation
--On Being Good
--Who Gets Our Savings?
--On Politicians
--Keeping Pace?
--On Snobbery
--Whose Admiration Do You Desire?
--On National Greatness
--Is the World Going Mad?
--Are We Too Passive?
--Why We Enjoy Mishaps
--Does Education Do Harm?
--Are Men of Science Scientific?
--Flight from Reality
--On Optimism
--As Others See Us
--Taking Long Views
--On Mental Differences Between Boys and Girls
--On the Fierceness of Vegetarians
--Furniture and the Ego
--Why Are We Discontented?
--On Locomotion
--Of Co-operation
--Our Woman Haters
--The Influence of Fathers
--On Societies
--On Being Edifying
--On Sales Resistance
--Should Children Be Happy?
--Dangers of Feminism
--On Expected Emotions
--On Modern Uncertainty
--On Imitating Heroes
--On Vicarious Asceticism
--On Labelling People
--On Smiling
--Do Governments Desire War?
--On Corporal Punishment
--If Animals Could Talk
--On Insularity
--On Astrologers
--On Protecting Children from Reality
--The Decay of Intellectual Standards
--Pride in Illness
--On Charity
--On Reverence
--On Proverbs
--On Clothes
--Should Socialists Smoke Good Cigars?
--A Sense of Humour
--Love and Money
--Interest in Crime
--How to Become a Man of Genius
--On Old Friends
--Success and Failure
--On Feeling Ashamed
--On Economic Security
--On Tact
--Changing Fashions in Reserve
--On Honour
--The Consolations of History
--Is Progress Assured?
--Right and Might
--Prosperity and Public Expenditure
--Public and Private Interests

Volume II

Preface to Volume II

--Christmas at Sea
--How People Economise
--Do Dogs Think?
--How People Take Failure
--On Conceit
--On Bores
--Politics and Sport
--On Reticence
--The Good Old Days
--On Becoming Civilised
--On the Art of Persuading
--The Prospects of Democracy
--The Admiration of Strength
--The Triumph of Stupidity
--On Utilitarianism
--On Race Hatred
--The Spirit of Adventure
--What Makes People Likeable
--On Self-Righteousness
--Emotions About Spending Money
--The Origin of Victorian Virtue
--On Propriety
--I Escape from Progress
--Experts and Oligarchs
--Fugitive and Cloistered Virtue
--On Being Ashamed of Virtue
--Men versus Insects
--The Paralysis of Statesmanship
--On Orthodoxies
--Means to Ends
--Individualist Ethics
--The Cult of the Individual
--On Being Argumentative
--On Mediaevalism
--In Praise of Dullness
--The End of Pioneering
--Combating Cruelty
--Can We Think Quickly Enough?
--On Discipline
--Expecting the Millennium
--The Churches and War
--On Loving Our Neighbours
--On Self-Control
--Respect for Law
--On Euthanasia
--On Equality
--The Father of the Family
--On the Origins of Common Customs
--On Transferring One's Anger
--On Adult Education
--On Curious Beliefs
--Competitive Ethics
--Is Anybody Normal?
--Back to Nature?
--Parental Affection
--Benevolence and Love of Power
--Irrational Opinions
--Science and Happiness
--Social Sciences in Schools
--Race and Nationality
--The Problem of Leisure
--What to Believe
--Instinct in Human Beings
--Fashions in Virtues
--On Comets
--Fear and Amusement
--On Curious Learning
--On Being Important
--Censorship by Progressives
--Protecting the Ego
--Climate and Saintliness
--Why Travel?
--Obscure Fame
--Insanity and Insight
--On Ceremony
--Love of Money
--On Specialising
--Good Manners and Hypocrisy
--On Being Insulting
--Vigorous and Feeble Epochs
--The Decrease of Knowledge

Published Essay Titles

Stories and Essays of Mina Loy

Stories and Essays of Mina Loy - Mina Loy, Sara Crangle Introduction, Acknowledgments & Abbreviations


--The Agony of the Partition
--The Crocodile without any Tail
--Gloria Gammage
--Hush Money
--Lady Asterisk.
--In Maine: Green's Colony
--Monde Triple-Extra
--New York Camelio
--Piero & Eliza.
--The Stomach
--The Three Wishes


--Crystal Pantomime
--The Pamperers
--The Sacred Prostitute

Essays and Commentary

--All the laughs in one short story by McAlmon
--Brancusi and the Ocean
--My Catholick Confidante
--Censor Morals Sex.
--Gate Crashers of Olympus---
--Gertrude Stein
--Havelock Ellis
--History of Religion and Eros
--The Library of the Sphinx.
--The Logos in Art.
--The Metaphysical Pattern in Aesthetics.
--Mi & Lo
--The Oil in the Machine?
--Tuning in on the Atom Bomb
--Universal Food Machine
--William Carlos Williams


Michelangelo. Complete Works

Michelangelo. Complete Works - Frank Zollner, Christof Thoenes, Thomas Popper Preface

Michelangelo Buonarroti - Life and Work, Frank Zöllner, Christof Thoenes
--The start of a magnificent career 1475-1491
--Between Florence, Bologna and Rome 1492-1500
--The breakthrough in Florence 1501-1504
--Between Rome and Florence 1505-1508
--The Sistine Ceiling 1508-1512
--The architect in Florence 1513-1534
--The sculptor 1513-1534
--Presentation drawings and Last Judgement 1534-1541
--The architect in Rome 1534-1564
--Late works: The final paintings and sculptures 1540-1564


--Catalogue of sculptures, Frank Zöllner
--Catalogue of paintings, Frank Zöllner
--Catalogue of architecture, Christof Thoenes

Catalogue of Drawings, Thomas Pöpper, Christof Thoenes
--"a fare le figure" - the art of drawing
--1. Autodidactic sheets, c. 1490-1505/06
--2. Early religious subjects, early commissions and the Julius Tomb, 1501/02-1531/32
--3. The Sistine Ceiling, 1508-1512
--4. Anatomical and proportional drawings, 1510s-1530s
--5. Tombs, utensils and the New Sacristy/Medici Chapel, 1516/18-1544/45
--6. Religious and mythological subjects, 1517/20-1534
--7. Didactic sheets, masks and caricatures, 1504-1528
--8. Divine Heads and other gift drawings, 1520/25-c. 1533
--9. The Last Judgement and the Pauline Chapel, 1533/34-1546/47
--10. Late religious drawings, 1545-c. 1560
--11. Other drawings and sketches of marble blocks, 1517/18-1547
--12. The architectural drawings
--13. Tommaso de' Cavalieri's collection of drawings

Concordance of drawings
Bibliographical sources (Life and Work)

The Mysteries of Paris (Penguin Classics)

The Mysteries of Paris (Penguin Classics) - Carolyn Betensky, Eugène Sue, Jonathan Loesberg, Peter Brooks Acknowledgments
Translators' Introduction

--The Mysteries of Paris

Letter from Eugène Sue to the Editor of 'Le Journal des Débats'
French Currency in the Nineteenth Century

Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works

Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works - Stefan Fischer Introduction: Perspectives on Bosch

--I. Family origins and first works 1474-1487
--II. Social and artistic ascent 1488-1501
--III. In the labyrinth of images: The Temptation of St Anthony c. 1502
--IV. Nuptial art: The Garden of Earthly Delights c. 1503
--V. Art for the king: The Last Judgement c. 1506
--VI. Exemplum docet: Late works 1504-1516

--Epilogue: An enigmatic bequest

--Catalogue of paintings
--Catalogue of drawings

Documentary sources on Bosch's life and work
Photo credits


Embers - Sándor Márai, Carol Brown Janeway A Note About the Translator


Art in Vienna 1898–1918: Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and their contemporaries

Art in Vienna 1898–1918: Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and their contemporaries - Peter Vergo --Art in Vienna 1898-1918: Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and their Contemporaries

Select Bibliography
Picture Credits

Monet and the Birth of Impressionism

Monet and the Birth of Impressionism - Felix Kramer Words of Greeting, by Klaus-Peter Müller
Foreword, by Max Hollein

--Monet and the Birth of Impressionism, Felix Krämer
--"Between the Motif and Me": Visual Filters and Obstructions to Seeing in the Impressionist Image, Nerina Santorius
--Instants, Moments, Minutes: Impressionism and the Industrialisation of Time, André Dombrowski
--Invited or Rebuffed? Exploring the Effects of Early Impressionist Foregrounds, Hollis Clayson

--Prologue: From Non Fini to Impression: The Birth of a New Painting, Isolde Pludermacher

--From Salon Success to Avant-Garde Painting: Claude Monet's Artistic Path to Impressionism, Dorothee Hansen
--A Stage Spectacle: Édouard Manet's The Universal Exhibition of Paris 1867, Felicity Korn
--Provocatively Private: Claude Monet's The Luncheon. Farewell to Figure Painting, Felix Krämer
--Spontaneity and Calculation: Édouard Manet's The Game of Croquet, Marlene Bielefeld
--Berthe Morisot and Her Contribution to the Impressionist Movement, Ingrid Pfeiffer
--The Real in the Artificial: Edgar Degas' Orchestra Musicians, Svenja Mordhorst
--Forms of Contact: August Renoir's After the Luncheon, Beate Söntgen
--The Deceleration of the Gaze: Claude Monet's Exterior of Saint-Lazare Station (The Signal), Nerina Santorius

--Epilogue: Fluid World: The Cultural-Historical Context of Impressionism, Christoph Asendorf

--Of Peaceful Coexistence and Conducive Competition: On the Relationship of Painting and Photography at the Time of Impressionism, Nele Putz
--Impressionism in the Caricature, Chantal Eschenfelder
--Composition Planning and Paint Application in Claude Monet's Oeuvre: Two Paintings from the Collection of the Städel Museum, Eva Bader

Technical Investigations of the Paintings Belonging to the Städel Museum, Eva Bader/Stephan Knobloch
Short Biographies, Maria Zinser

List of Exhibited Works
Photo Credits


Hokusai - Gian Carlo Calza Acknowledgements
A Note to the Reader

--Hokusai: a Universe, Gian Carlo Calza
--The Young Hokusai, Roger S. Keyes
--Western Influences in Hokusai's Art, Matthi Forrer
--'All Creation is the Teacher': Hokusai the Individualist in Two of his Painting Manuals, John M. Rosenfield
--Love's Labours Found: the Erotic Art of Hokusai, Richard Lane
--Surimono Art and Literary Circles: the Genroku kasen kai awase and Umazukushi Series, Asano Shūgō
--In a Fantasy World: Hokusai's Late Works, Tsuji Nobuo
--Hokusai's Letters, Kobayashi Tadashi

--I. Under the Sign of the Dragon: the Shunrō Period
--II. Individualism and Autonomy: the Sōri Period
--III. Maturity: the Hokusai Period
--IV. Handbooks, Handbooks, Handbooks: the Taito Period
--V. Revolution in Landscape: the Iitsu Period
--VI. Beyond the Impossible: the Manji Period
--VII. Beyond the Margins of the Western Sea: Hokusai and Japonisme

--List of Works

Index of works by Hokusai
General Index

The English Constitution

The English Constitution - Walter Bagehot Introduction
Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Walter Bagehot

--The English Constitution

Explanatory Notes

Collected Stories

Collected Stories - Clarice Lispector, Benjamin Moser, Katrina Dodson Introduction: Glamour and Grammar, by Benjamin Moser

First Stories
--The Triumph
--The Fever Dream
--Jimmy and I
--Interrupted Story
--The Escape
--Letters to Hermengardo
--Gertrudes Asks For Advice
--Another Couple of Drunks

Family Ties
--Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady
--A Chicken
--The Imitation of the Rose
--Happy Birthday
--The Smallest Woman in the World
--The Dinner
--Family Ties
--Beginnings of a Fortune
--Mystery in São Cristóvão
--The Crime of the Mathematics Teacher
--The Buffalo

The Foreign Legion
--The Disasters of Sofia
--The Sharing of Loaves
--The Message
--The Egg and the Chicken
--Journey to Petrópolis
--The Solution
--Evolution of a Myopia
--The Fifth Story
--A Sincere Friendship
--The Obedient Ones
--The Foreign Legion

Back of the Drawer
--The Burned Sinner and the Harmonious Angels
--Profile of Chosen Beings
--Inaugural Address

Covert Joy
--Covert Joy
--Remnants of Carnival
--Eat Up, My Son
--Forgiving God
--One Hundred Years of Forgiveness
--A Hope
--The Servant
--Boy in Pen and Ink
--A Tale of So Much Love
--The Waters of the World
--Involuntary Incarnation
--Two Stories My Way
--The First Kiss

Where Were You at Night
--In Search of a Dignity
--The Departure of the Train
--Dry Sketch of Horses
--Where Were You at Night
--Report on the Thing
--Manifesto of the City
--The Conjurings of Dona Frozina
--That's Where I'm Going
--The Dead Man in the Sea at Urca
--A Full Afternoon
--Such Gentleness
--Soul Storm
--Natural Life

The Via Crucis of the Body
--Miss Algrave
--The Body
--Via Crucis
--The Man Who Showed Up
--He Drank Me Up
--For the Time Being
--Day After Day
--The Sound of Footsteps
--Before the Rio-Niterói Bridge
--Praça Mauá
--Pig Latin
--Better Than to Burn
--But It's Going to Rain

Vision of Splendor

Final Stories
--Beauty and the Beast or The Enormous Wound
--One Day Less

Appendix: The Useless Explanation

Translator's Note, by Katrina Dodson
Bibliographical Note

A History of the World in 100 Objects

A History of the World in 100 Objects - Neil MacGregor Preface: Mission Impossible
Introduction: Signals from the Past

--A History of the World in 100 Objects

List of Objects
Text Acknowledgements

The Tale of the Heike

The Tale of the Heike - Royall Tyler Acknowledgments
Principle Figures in the Tale

--The Tale of the Heike

Hours, Eras, and Emperors

Tarr (Oxford World's Classics)

Tarr (Oxford World's Classics) - Wyndham Lewis;Scott W. Klein Acknowledgements
Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Wyndham Lewis
Map of Paris


Appendix: Preface to the 1918 American Edition
Explanatory Notes
Glossary of Foreign Words and Phrases