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The Dogma of Christ & Other Essays on Religion, Psychology & Culture
Erich Fromm
The Dogma of Christ & Other Essays on Religion, Psychology & Culture - Erich Fromm

Preface to the Routledge Classics Edition

--The Dogma of Christ
--The Present Human Condition
--Sex and Character
--Psychoanalysis---Science or Party Line?
--The Revolutionary Character
--Medicine and the Ethical Problem of Modern Man
--On the Limitations and Dangers of Psychology
--The Prophetic Concept of Peace


Auto Da Fé - Elias Canetti .
All Passion Spent - Vita Sackville-West

Introduction, by Joanna Lumley

--All Passion Spent

Life of Black Hawk, or Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak: Dictated by Himself - Black Hawk, J. Gerald Kennedy

Introduction, by J. Gerald Kennedy
Suggestions for Further Reading
Map of the Black Hawk War of 1832
A Note on the Text
Title Page of 1833 Edition

--Life of Black Hawk, or Mà-ka-tai-me-she-kià-kiàk: Dictated by Himself


The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Yukio Mishima


William Henry Fox Talbot - Geoffrey Batchen

--William Henry Fox Talbot

Picture Credits

Sanin: A Novel - Mikhail Artsybashev

Translator's Note
Introduction, by Otto Boele
Principal Characters


Afterword, by Nicholas Luker
Selected Bibliography

The Complete Poems and Plays - T.S. Eliot

Collected Poems 1909-1962

Prufrock (1917)
--The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
--Portrait of a Lady
--Rhapsody on a Windy Night
--Morning at the Window
--The 'Boston Evening Transcript'
--Aunt Helen
--Cousin Nancy
--Mr. Apollinax
--Conversation Galante
--La Figlia Che Piange

Poems (1920)
--Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar
--Sweeney Erect
--A Cooking Egg
--Le Directeur
--Mélange Adultère de Tout
--Lune de Miel
--The Hippopotamus
--Dans le Restaurant
--Whispers of Immortality
--Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service
--Sweeney Among the Nightingales

The Waste Land (1922)
--I. The Burial of the Dead
--II. A Game of Chess
--III. The Fire Sermon
--IV. Death by Water
--V. What the Thunder said
Notes on the Waste Land

The Hollow Men (1925)
--The Hollow Men

Ash-Wednesday (1930)
--I. Because I do not hope to turn again
--II. Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper-tree
--III. At the first turning of the second stair
--IV. Who walked between the violet and the violet
--V. If the lost word is lost, if the spent word is spent
--VI. Although I do not hope to turn again

Ariel Poems
--Journey of the Magi (1927)
--A Song for Simeon (1928)
--Animula (1929)
--Marina (1930)
--The Cultivation of Christmas Trees (1954)

Unfinished Poems
Sweeney Agonistes:
--Fragment of a Prologue
--Fragment of an Agon
--I. Triumphal March
--II. Difficulties of a Statesman

Minor Poems
--Eyes that last I saw in tears
--The wind sprang up at four o'clock
Five-Finger Exercises:
--I. Lines to a Persian Cat
--II. Lines to a Yorkshire Terrier
--III. Lines to a Duck in the Park
--IV. Lines to Ralph Hodgson Esqre.
--V. Lines for Cuscuscaraway and Mirza Murad Ali Beg
--I. New Hampshire
--II. Virginia
--III. Usk
--IV. Rannoch, by Glencoe
--V. Cape Ann
--Lines for an Old Man

Choruses from 'The Rock' (1934)
--I. The Eagle soars in the summit of Heaven
--II. Thus your fathers were made
--III. The Word of the LORD came unto me, saying
--IV. There are those who would build the Temple
--V. O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart
--VI. It is hard for those who have never known persecution
--VII. In the beginning GOD created the world
--VIII. O Father we welcome your words
--IX. Son of Man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears
--X. You have seen the house built, you have seen it adorned

Four Quartets
--Burnt Norton (1935)
--East Coker (1940)
--The Dry Salvages (1941)
--Little Gidding (1942)

Occasional Verses
--Defence of the Islands
--A Note on War Poetry
--To the Indians who Died in Africa
--To Walter de la Mare
--A Dedication to my Wife

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
--The Naming of Cats
--The Old Gumbie Cat
--Growltiger's Last Stand
--The Rum Tum Tugger
--The Song of the Jellicles
--Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
--Old Deuteronomy
--The Pekes and the Pollicles
--Mr. Mistoffelees
--Macavity: the Mystery Cat
--Gus: the Theatre Cat
--Bustopher Jones: the Cat about Town
--Skimbleshanks: the Railway Cat
--The Ad-dressing of Cats
--Cat Morgan Introduces Himself


--Murder in the Cathedral
--The Family Reunion
--The Cocktail Party
--The Confidential Clerk
--The Elder Statesman

Appendix: Poems Written in Early Youth

--A Fable for Feasters
--A Lyric: 'If Time and Space, as Sages say'
--Song: 'If space and time, as sages say'
--At Graduation 1905
--Song: 'When we came home across the hill'
--Before Morning
--Circe's Palace
--On a Portrait
--Song: 'The moonflower opens to the moth'
--Humouresque (after J. Laforgue)
--The Death of Saint Narcissus

Index of First Lines of Poems

As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner


Julia Margaret Cameron - Joanne Lukitsh

--Julia Margaret Cameron


The Sundial - Shirley Jackson

Foreword, by Victor LaValle

--The Sundial

Orlando - Virginia Woolf

Introduction, by Peter Ackroyd
Introduction, by Margaret Reynolds
List of Illustrations
Preface, by Virginia Woolf





Imperial (Photographs)

Imperial (Photographs) - William T. Vollmann Maps: The Entity called Imperial

--Imperial. Photographs by William T. Vollmann

Subdelineations: Photoscapes (1927-2008)
Technical Notes

Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead

Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead - Barbara Comyns Introduction

--Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead

Impressionism: Reimagining Art

Impressionism: Reimagining Art - Norbert Wolf Introduction & Acknowledgements

--Impressionism: Reimagining Art

Selected Bibliography
List of Works Illustrated
Index of Names
Photo Credits

Marcel Proust: On Art and Literature 1896-1919

Marcel Proust: On Art and Literature 1896-1919 - Marcel Proust, Sylvia Townsend Warner Acknowledgment
Introduction, by Terence Kilmartin

--Contre Sainte-Beuve

Miscellaneous Writings

Proust the Critic
--Against the young writers of the day
--On taste
--A history of French satire
--A Sunday concert at the Conservatoire
--Patriotism and the Christian Spirit
--On 'La Bonne Hélène'
--Portrait of a writer
--Poet and novelist
--The wane of inspiration
--The artist in contemplation
--The creed of art

Portraits of Painters
--Gustave Moreau

Proust the Reader
--Notes on Stendhal
--George Eliot
--Jules Renard
--Robert de Montesquiou
--Henri de Régnier
--Léon Daudet

Translator's Note