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Orwell and Politics

Orwell and Politics - George Orwell Introduction
Editorial Note

--'How a Nation Is Exploited: The British Empire in Burma', Le Progrès Civique, 4 May 1929
--'A Hanging', The Adelphi, August 1931
--Review: Alec Brown, The Fate of the Middle Classes, May 1936
--Review: Mark Channing, Indian Mosaic, 15 July 1936
--'Shooting an Elephant', New Writing, 2, Autumn 1936
--Review: Fenner Brockway, Workers' Front, 17 February 1938
--Anonymous review: Maurice Collis, Trials in Burma, 9 March 1938
--Letter to the Editor, 'Ends and Means', New English Weekly, 26 May 1938
--Review: Eugene Lyons, Assignment in Utopia, 9 June 1938
--'Why I Join the I.L.P.', New Leader, 24 June 1938
--Review: Franz Borkenau, The Communist International, 22 September 1938
--Extract from Letter from Eileen Blair to Marjorie Dakin, 27 September 1938
--Manifesto: If War Comes, We Shall Resist, New Leader, 30 September 1938
--Extract from Letter from Marjorie Dakin to Eileen Blair and Orwell, 3 October 1938
--Letter to John Sceats, 24 November 1938
--Letter to Charles Doran, 26 November 1938
--'Political Reflections on the Crisis', The Adelphi, December 1938
--Review: N. de Basily, Russia under Soviet Rule, 12 January 1939
--Review: F. J. Sheed, Communism and Man, 27 January 1939
--Letter to Herbert Read, 5 March 1939
--Review: Clarence K. Streit, Union Now, July 1939
--Extracts from Orwell's 'Diary of Events Leading Up to the War', 2 July--3 September 1939
--Application to Enrol for War Service, 9 September 1939
--Review: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 21 March 1940
--Extracts from Orwell's 'War-time Diary', 28 May--20 June 1940
--Review: Jack London, The Iron Heel; H. G. Wells, Then the Sleeper Wakes; Aldous Huxley, Brave New World; Ernest Bramah, The Secret of the League, 12 July 1940
--Review: The English Revolution: 1640, edited by Christopher Hill, 24 August 1940
--Extracts from London Letter to Partisan Review (Current political situation), 3 January 1941
--The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, 19 February 1941
--Part II: Shopkeepers at War
--Part III: The English Revolution
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review (Support for Labour leaders; preservation of democracy in wartime), 15 April 1941
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review, 'The Anglo-Soviet Alliance', 17 August 1941
--Review: Louis Fischer, Men and Politics, Christmas 1941
--Sir Stafford Cripps's Mission to India, March-April 1942
--Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 14, 14 March 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 1, 3 and 10 April 1942
--Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 18, 18 April 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 18 and 29 April 1942
--London Letter to Partisan Review, 'The British Crisis', 8 May 1942
--Extracts from War-time Diary, 7 June and 12 August 1942
--Letter to Tom Wintringham, 17 August 1942
--Review: Mulk Raj Anand, Letters on India, 19 March 1943
--London Letter to Partisan Review (Dissolution of the comintern; growth of the Common Wealth Party: c. 23 May 1943)
--'Literature and the Left', Tribune, 4 June 1943
--'Gandhi in Mayfair'. Review of Lionel Fielden, Beggar My Neighbour, September 1943
--Letter from Roy Walker to Orwell, 28 September 1943
--Review: Harold J. Laski, Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, 10 October 1943
--'Who Are the War Criminals?' Review of 'Cassius', The Trial of Mussolini, 22 October 1943
--Review: Henry Noel Brailsford, Subject India, 20 November 1943
--Extract from 'As I Please', 4 (On dissociating Socialism from Utopianism), Tribune, 24 December 1943
--Extract from London Letter to Partisan Review (Parliament and the monarchy), 15 January 1944
--Review: James Burnham, The Machiavellians, 20 January 1944
--Completion of Animal Farm
--Publication of Animal Farm, 17 August 1945
--Animal Farm
--'As I Please', 17 (What is Fascism?), Tribune, 24 March 1944
--Review: Louis Fischer, Empire, 13 May 1944
--'Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali', intended for The Saturday Book, 4, 1944
--Conclusion to letter to John Middleton Murry, 5 August 1944
--Review: Selections from the Works of Gerrard Winstanley, edited by Leonard Hamilton, 3 September 1944
--Review: Beverley Nichols, Verdict on India, 29 October 1944
--Review: Conrad Heiden, Der Führer, 4 January 1945
--Extract from 'As I Please', 56 (On European freedom), Tribune, 26 January 1945
--Extract from 'As I Please', 59 (Future of Burma), Tribune, 16 February 1945
--Extract from 'Occupation's Effect on French Outlook' (Post-liberation killings in France), Observer, 4 March 1945
--'Notes on Nationalism', Polemic, October 1945
--Unpublished Letter to Tribune (Trial of sixteen Poles in Moscow), 'Polish Trial', 26? June 1945
--'The Prevention of Literature', Polemic, January 1946
--'Freedom of the Park', Tribune, 7 December 1945
--'Politics and the English Language', Horizon, April 1946
--'Freedom and Happiness', Tribune, 4 January 1946
--The Intellectual Revolt, four articles, Manchester Evening News
--1. 'The Intellectual Revolt', 24 January 1946
--2. 'What is Socialism?', 31 January 1946
--3. 'The Christian Reformers', 7 February 1946
--4. 'Pacifism and Progress', 14 February 1946
--Afterword (translated from German of Neue Auslese), April 1946
--Extract from letter to Arthur Koestler, 5 March 1946
--'Do Our Colonies Pay?', Tribune, 8 March 1946
--'Some Thoughts on the Common Toad', Tribune, 12 April 1946
--Unsigned Editorial (On defending intellectual decency), Polemic, 3, May 1946
--'Why I Write', Gangrel, Summer 1946
--Extract from 'As I Please', 61 (Attitudes to immigrants), Tribune, 15 November 1946
--Extract from 'As I Please', 68 (Class distinction), Tribune, 3 January 1947
--Extract from 'As I Please', 70 (Attitudes to Poles in Scotland), Tribune, 24 January 1947
--Extract from 'As I Please', 73 (Scottish Nationalism), Tribune, 14 February 1947
--'Toward European Unity', Partisan Review, July--August 1947
--'Marx and Russia', Observer, 15 February 1948
--'Writers and Leviathan', Politics and Letters, Summer 1948
--Review: Jean-Paul Sartre, Portrait of the Anti-Semite, 7 November 1948
--'Reflections on Gandhi', Partisan Review, January 1949
--Orwell's Statement on Nineteen Eighty-Four, July 1949
--Extracts from Orwell's List of Crypto-Communists and Fellow-Travellers
--Extracts from Orwell's Pamphlet Collection Catalogue

Further Reading
Selective Index