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Selected Poems

Selected Poems - Rainer Maria Rilke Introduction

from The Book of Hours
--34. 'The day is coming when from God the Tree'

from The Book of Images
--Autumn Day
--The Spectator

from New Poems: First Part
--Joshua's Council
--The Departure of the Prodigal Son
--The Olive Garden
--The Poet's Death
--The Cathedral
--The Panther
--The Donor
--Roman Sarcophagi
--A Feminine Destiny
--Going Blind
--In a Foreign Park
--The Courtesan
--The Steps of the Orangery
--The Merry-go-Round
--Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes

from New Poems: Second Part
--The Island of the Sirens
--The Death of the Beloved
--The Site of the Fire
--The Group
--Song of the Sea
--The Parks, II
--Late Autumn in Venice
--Portrait of a Lady of the Eighties
--The Old Lady
--The Stranger
--The Abduction
--The Bachelor
--The Apple Orchard
--The Dog

from Requiem
--For Wolf Graf von Kalckreuth

from The Duino Elegies
--The First Elegy
--The Ninth Elegy

from The Sonnets to Orpheus: First Part
--VII. 'Praising, that's it! As a praiser and blesser'
--IX. 'Only by him with whose lays'
--XXIII. 'Only when flight shall soar'
--XXVI. 'You that could sound till the end, though, immortal accorder'

from The Sonnets to Orpheus: Second Part
--IV. 'This is the creature there has never been'
--X. 'Long will machinery menace the whole of our treasure'
--XV. 'O fountain mouth, you mouth that can respond'
--XVII. 'Where, in what ever-blissfully watered gardens upon what trees'

from the Uncollected Poems of 1906 to 1926
--The Raising of Lazarus
--The Spirit Ariel
--'Shatter me, music, with rhythmical fury!'
--'Behind the innocent trees'
--The Great Night
--'Beloved, lost to begin with, never greeted'
--'Exposed on the heart's mountains. Look, how small there!'
--'Time and again, however well we know the landscape of love'
--To Music
--From the Poems of Count C. W.
--'Meaningful word, "inclination"!'
--'Strongest star, not needing to await'
--The Fruit
--Early Spring
--'Gods, for all we can tell, stride as richly bestowing'
--'The sap is mounting back from that unseenness'
--'On the sunny road, within the hollow'
--'The one birds plunge through's not that trusty space'
--For Count Karl Lanckoronski

Notes on the Poems